Our Mission: Making Education Affordable
HESAA, the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, is the only New Jersey state agency with the sole mission of providing students and families with financial and informational resources for students to pursue their education beyond high school.
A brief list of our programs and services appears below. For more information, please see our Annual Report.
Need-based financial aid grants
The New Jersey Tuition Aid Grant (TAG)
Part-time TAG for County College Students
Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG)
The Governor’s Urban Scholarship Program (GUS)
The Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship (GIVS)
New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS and NJ STARS II)
The Governor’s Urban Scholarship Program (GUS)
The Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship (GIVS)
World Trade Center Scholarship (WTC)
The New Jersey Better Education Savings Trust (NJBEST) Scholarship
Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Scholarship (LEOM)
Survivor Tuition Benefits (STB)
New Jersey’s 529 college savings plan
New Jersey’s supplemental family loan program
State and federal loan redemption programs
Statewide outreach sessions to raise awareness of financial literacy as well as
federal and state financial aid programs
Training sessions for New Jersey
school counselors and college
financial aid administrators
Publications, including the "State and Federal Financial Aid for Undergraduate and Graduate Students"