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Opportunity to be a HESAA Financial Trainer

The Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA) provides the training sessions described below throughout the State. In order to meet the high demand for these training sessions, HESAA hires knowledgeable consultants to present sessions on HESAA’s behalf.

  Description of Training Sessions

  • Financial Aid Awareness Training
    There are two types of Financial Aid Awareness training sessions. The Financial Aid Information session provides families with information on the Federal and State grants, scholarships and loan programs available through the submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, and the submission of the supplemental State information required to be considered for State aid. The FAFSA Workshop provides a brief overview of the same information and is followed by a demonstration in a computer lab of how to file an actual FAFSA and respond to the additional State questions.

    In addition, HESAA engages Financial Aid Awareness Trainers to assist in HESAA’s Project booths at student assistance related events in New Jersey. At these events Trainers provide financial aid guidance to families and are available to answer individual questions.

  • Financial Literacy Training
    Financial Literacy Training sessions currently present a program called Real Money 101 to high schools and colleges. Real Money 101 is a comprehensive financial literacy program that promotes the importance of building sound money management skills. There is one general overview geared towards college students and another geared towards high school students called “High School Financial Literacy.” The sessions are tailored to meet the specific needs of the requesting schools and institutions.

If you are interested in being a HESAA trainer please complete the FINANCIAL AID, FINANCIAL LITERACY, AND HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELOR TRAINERS APPLICATION and return it to:

Higher Education Student Assistance Authority
4 Quakerbridge Plaza
P.O. Box 071
Trenton, NJ 08625-0071 Attention: André Maglione