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Real Money Registration Form

Real Money Registration Form

Real Money Registration Form

If you are looking to have somebody come to your High School to speak about the financial aid process, please click here because you are on the wrong page.
Please enter First Name

Please enter Last Name

Please enter School

Please enter a valid 10-digit phone number

Please enter a valid Email (e.g.,

Please re-enter valid Email (e.g.,

Please enter Department

Please select Date of Presentation
14 days notice is recommended. Please make sure you specify a time.

Please select Length of Time

Please enter Location of Presentation

Please enter Street Address of Location

Please enter City

Please select County

Please select Type of Presentation

Please select Sponsor of Event

Please enter Estimated Number of Students

The following software and equipment is needed for the financial aid presentations: A computer with a USB port, Microsoft PowerPoint, screen, projector and microphone. If you are unable to provide any of the above, kindly contact HESAA.
