New Jersey Tuition Aid Grant Eligibility Inquiries
Your eligibility may be reevaluated if there is an error in the information reported. See your financial aid officer for assistance in correcting errors by the
state deadlines.
If there has been a change in your family’s circumstances because of death, disability, retirement, divorce or separation, loss of untaxed income or change in employment status see your financial aid officer for assistance in reporting these changes by the
state deadlines.
Consideration of appeals of ineligibility must be submitted in writing or e-mail within 60 days of your first notification, addressed to the Director of Grants and Scholarships at PO BOX 540, Trenton NJ, 08625-0540, or you can upload your appeal electronically through our
electronic document collection process. Please be sure to include the student’s NJHESAA ID number and student's full name.
In accordance with State law, the value of your grant may decrease depending upon appropriated funds, actual tuition charges, cost of attendance, estimated family contribution and other available resources.
Penalty For False Information – If you qualify for state student financial assistance by purposely reporting false or misleading information, you may be subject to a $20,000 fine and/or imprisonment.